Synthetic Motor Oil - Facts and Fiction
There are a lot of different opinions about using synthetic motor oil for your car. Synthetic oil has been around for a long time now, but some shade-tree mechanics still rely on anecdotal evidence or folk knowledge when it comes to recommend its use. It's not uncommon even today to have someone tell you that it is not a good idea to use synthetic motor oil in an older vehicle, or in a vehicle with higher mileage, due to the differences between synthetic and standard oil.
The reason most commonly given for not using this type of oil in an older engine is that the chemical composition of synthetic oil is so different that the seals from a bygone era are not capable of holding back the 'smaller' molecules of lab-derived lubricants . There is no truth to this at all. In fact, modern synthetic oils are specifically formulated to properly interact with many different types of materials used to create automated seals, making it a safe choice to use in vehicles of any vintage. Using a synthetic lubricant does not increase the chances of oil leaking when compared to standard oil products.
Another fear amongst oil buyers is that the detergents in synthetic oils will lead to clogged oil filters and blocked passageways, as a result of dislodging sludge or other deposits left by traditional oils. If anything, the detergents in synthetic oils will help your engine run smoother, keeping filters clean and passes clear. Not only that, but the additives in synthetic oils will actually help prevent the formation of any future deposits, especially if used in conjunction with regular change intervals.
In reality, synthetic lubricants are some of the best oils that you can use in your car. They are extremely resistant to thermal breakdown, much better than standard oils at coating and lubricating your engine's rotating assembly, and the uniform, laboratory-designed shape of the oil's molecules means that the film strength of synthetic motor oil is much greater in the face of a harsh operating environment. Since synthetic oil is created in a lab and not drilled up from the ground, it can be specifically formulated for your particular application.
When making decisions about your car, try to get all the facts. It's a good idea to speak to a mechanic that you trust regarding synthetic motor oil, rather than using the opinions of friends and neighbors who may or may not have a scientific perspective.
Original Post Here: Synthetic Motor Oil – Facts and Fiction
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