Sunday, January 21, 2018

Fish Oil Benefits – Two Common Diseases You Can Cure

Fish Oil Benefits - Two Common Diseases You Can Cure

With so many vitamins and supplements for every ill, it's amazing that one rises so far above the rest. Fish oil is reliably safe to take, and has some of the more important health benefits available. It protects against the so-called "diseases of civilization," and can help decrease high blood pressure. It also thins the blood. And, as if that were not enough, it may have some affect on depression-related disorders. In this article, I'll detail each of these benefits so you can decide if fish oil is right for you.

In the food we eat in today's society, we consume so much animal product that our diets are full of a nutrient called "omega-6 fatty acid." There is another fatty acid called "omega-3," found in fish, that is essential to proper healthy functioning. This is what's missing from our diets. We stopped eating fish. And there is evidence that our lack of omega-3 compared to our over-consumption of omega-6 is what can lead to heart disease and other cardiovascular problems. In addition to this, it has has two other effects that contribute to cardio health.

One of these is blood thinning. Thin blood can flow easier through clogged arteries, decreasing the chances of stroke. Be sure to keep away from fish oil if you're already on a blood thinner, however.

Another cardio benefit is improvement in people with high blood pressure, or hypertension. Several studies have shown reduced blood pressure in those with hypertension, so this is a well well established aspect of fish oil.

The above two benefits combine together with the omega-3 content of fish oil to provide quite a bonanza of protection against the common cardio diseases. There is also some, admittedly weak, evidence that omega-3 helps relieve depression.

In a study published in the Archives of General Psychiatry, 30 patients with bipolar disorder were treated with omega-3 fatty acid supplementation, and they showed improvement. However, other studies have not supported this same effect with depression. Still other studies showed positive results with a lower amount than with a higher amount. Some users have reported success anecdotally with fish oil supplementation, but the scientific evidence is still inconclusive on this point.

While adding fish oil to your diet can be a good decision, I recommend caution in regards to the blood thinning issue, especially in taking large amounts over a long period of time. I also recommend consulting your doctor before attempting to treat any depression with fish oil, as the jury is still out on the evidence. But in general, this can be a terrific supplement to stave off some of the most common killing diseases of our time.

Source by Alan Glender

Source Here: Fish Oil Benefits – Two Common Diseases You Can Cure

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